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31st Annual Z99 Radiothon

Thu Mar 15, 2018 6:00 AM - Fri Mar 16, 2018 6:00 PM (CST)

Z99 celebrates its 31st anniversary of the Z99 Radiothon March 15th & 16th, 2018!

Z99’s hosts CC, Lorie and Cassity hit the airwaves from the Cornwall Centre for 36 continuous hours. The dynamic trio encourage people to help save babies’ lives by raiseing funds for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in the Rawlco Centre for Mother Baby Care at the Regina General Hospital.

The NICU must always be prepared to take care of premature and sick babies - each with unique needs. Z99 has been fortunate enough over the past 30 years to be part of creating what is now one of the best Neonatal Intensive Care Units in Canada by helping purchase equipment critical in the care of sick babies. We have managed to change the look, the services and life expectancy in the NICU! Our goal is to raise funds to purchase critical pieces of life saving equipment needed to make the NICU a state of the art and up-to-date facility.

“When it comes to the health of newborns, the importance of the NICU cannot be overstated for the hundreds of families that need immediate, critical care,” says Tom Sorenson, manager of the NICU. “Thanks to the support of Rawlco Radio and everyone that donated, Hospitals of Regina Foundation can continue to invest in the best care available for vulnerable babies.”

“We can’t say enough about the commitment and support our Radiothon has received over the past 30 years,” says Tom Newton, vice president and general manager, Rawlco Radio. “Our on-air team has worked tirelessly to encourage the community to donate and they responded with great generosity. We are proud to have helped make such an impact on the many babies requiring Regina’s NICU.”

If you are interested in hosting a fundraiser or making a donation to the Z99 Radiothon , or just need some additional information e-mail or phone Amber Morse at or 306-525-0000.

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